Learning more about network sockets
· software-development

Git/GitHub: Squashing all commits before sending a pull request
· git

neo4j Unmanaged Extension: Creating gzipped streamed responses with Jetty
· neo4j

JAX RS: Streaming a Response using StreamingOutput
· software-development

Survivorship Bias and Product Development
· software-development

Ruby: Calculating the orthodromic distance using the Haversine formula
· ruby orthodromicdistance

Leaflet JS: Resizing a map to keep a circle diameter inside it
· javascript leafletjs

Vagrant: Multi (virtual) machine with Puppet roles
· vagrant

Vagrant 1.2.2: `[]': can't convert Symbol into Integer (TypeError)/The following settings don't exist
· vagrant

Vagrant/Virtual Box: There was an error executing the following command with VBoxManage - Progress object failure: NS_ERROR_CALL_FAILED
· vagrant virtualbox