Clojure: Create a directory
· clojure

Neo4j 2.1: Creating adjacency matrices
· neo4j cypher

Jersey/Jax RS: Streaming JSON
· java jersey

Clojure: Paging meetup data using lazy sequences
· clojure

Clojure: clj-time - Formatting a date / timestamp with day suffixes e.g. 1st, 2nd, 3rd
· clojure

Neo4j: Cypher - Flatten a collection
· neo4j

Neo4j: Cypher - Creating a time tree down to the day
· neo4j

Neo4j 2.0.1: Cypher - Concatenating an empty collection / Type mismatch: expected Integer, Collection<Integer> or Collection<Collection<Integer>> but was Collection<Any>
· neo4j

Neo4j: Cypher - Creating relationships between a collection of nodes / Invalid input '[':
· neo4j

Neo4j 2.0.0: Query not prepared correctly / Type mismatch: expected Map
· neo4j